
How Do I Direct Users Who Subscribe in My Klaviyo Embedded Form to a List?

  • 20 September 2021
  • 4 replies

Badge +2

Hi there,


I am looking to create an enquiry form on my page and I have a couple of questions:

  • I have created a form and embed it on my Shopify website, where do the enquires go? Can I direct them to an email inbox?
  • I want anyone who submits an enquiry to get an automated back - how do I set this up?

Best answer by Taylor Tarpley 20 September 2021, 19:52

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +38

Hi Livon, is this a contact us form? Or sign up to be on the newsletter form?

What did you use to set up the form?

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @livon


Welcome to the Community! We are so glad you are here and what a great question to ask! 


When embedding a Klaviyo Form to a website, instructions vary on what integration you have, so it is always best practice to ensure you’ve followed the directions on Where to Paste an Embed Code that are unique to your site. To clarify, are the enquires you’re wanting to collect the emails of your subscribers who fill out the form? If so, your Klaviyo Form has an action connected to your ‘Submit’ Button that allows you to choose which List your subscribers would get added to upon ‘form submission’, which is when they click the ‘Submit’ button. 


You can easily create a Flow for customers who fill out this form. A flow is an automated sequence of emails and text messages you can personalize for a specific customer action they take or you want them to experience. It seems like a List-Triggered Flow will fit your business needs of what your’e looking to accomplish. For this kind of Flow, once a customer fills out your embed form and is added to the List you attach it to, they will then automatically receive messages you create for the Flow. 


I would also suggest checking out this Community Post of a user asking a similar question! 


Thanks for being a part of the Community!



Badge +2

Thank you so much for the answer


The form is an event enquiry form so has a number of questions on it such as ‘date of event’, ‘number of guests’ - is it possible to collect and gather this returned information as they are not Klaviyo properties?

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @livon


Yes it would be possible the collect the data as a Custom Property! A custom property is any additional informaton you’d like to collect about a customer that isn’t a defaulted Klaviyo property. We have a ‘date’ block you can add to your form, as well as text blocks you can utilize that will add a Custom Profile Property to the user’s Profile upon Form submission, as shown below!  You will need manually add the ‘Profile Property’ you want to add such as ‘Number of Guests’, ‘Location’, ‘Season’, etc. 



Hope this helps! 

