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How to Track Unique Purchases for One Profile?

  • 17 April 2023
  • 1 reply

Hey Community,


Looking for some assistance on how to best sort my profile data if I’m an event company.


I know who is buying from my manifests but I want to be able to know which events a particular profile has attended. Currently when I upload a list of attendees, it’ll purge the existing profile emails which doesn’t help me identify which events this profile has attended. 


Thanks for any help!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +45

Hi @Brad Do,

Welcome to the community.

So in short, you organize events and you want to keep track of who visited which events, is that correct?

Do you use a platform where people can register for events? If so it might be handy to connect this to Klaviyo so you can also track what people do as events (metric) in Klaviyo.

The way Klaviyo works is through profiles. Each email address identifies a profile.
A profile can be connected to multiple email lists.
A profile can have multiple custom properties.
A profile has events that can be used to segment or add people to flows.

The easiest way without integration is to create separate lists for each event and add the people who attended to it. But this will only create a lot of lists over time and will become unmanageable if you ask me.

The better way would be to have custom profile properties or events (metric /data) that has this unique data so you can have 1 list and segments depending on which events they visited.

An alternative solution can be to import the lists and have an additional field that will be used for the name of the event. Since people can attend multiple events I would use the name of the event as the property and use Boolean (yes/no)


The best option would be to integrate everything so you know who signed up for an event, who attended, who didn't show up or even send reminders to people who started registering but never finished. That can only be accomplished by having a direct integration between your platform and Klaviyo.


More information here:


Interesting read about integrating an event based platform:


Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner

We help with e-commerce growth through CRO, Klaviyo and CVO
