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Importing lists the right way...

  • 11 October 2023
  • 2 replies


My client has imported some profils from her Shopify account in Klaviyo.

She also has a list in her Mailchimp and also another one in Calendly (she’s a retailer and wants to sell online that’s why she books appointments thru Calendly).

I’m very confused about what I should (or shoudn’t do) to make sure I can import everything right in Klaviyo...

If I import all of those lists, is there a chance that an email adress would be added 2 times ? 
Can Klaviyo understand if 2 same email adress are added and allow it only one time ?





2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +59

Hi @Steve0603,

As a general rule, unique Profiles aren’t duplicated in Klaviyo even if they belong to multiple Lists.  So if you upload the same email in multiple Lists, there would be one Profile, that belong to each of the Lists it was “uploaded” to.  

So yes, you can import all the contacts into Klaviyo without issues about duplicate emails.  However, you may want to consider merging them into one main List with separate Segments based on their source if the source has unique context around it.  You can see this documetnation from Klaviyo that might explain why it’s a good approach:

Hope that helps!


Joseph Hsieh // // twitter: @retenion 

Userlevel 6
Badge +25

Hi @Steve0603! I’ll second @retention’s recommendation to merge the lists and use segments to separate people based on their source. 


You might need to create some custom profile properties in order to track that consistently, so here’s Klaviyo’s help doc on that.


Also, to help you understand the broader context of how segments can be used, and the key groups of segments you’ll want to start with, here’s an article I wrote for the Klaviyo community about this very topic. 



