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updating email contact

  • 25 July 2022
  • 3 replies


I am simply trying to update a email in my AnaClare list from this email to this email and it is not saving? I also tried to create a new user with this email and merge the other email into it and it didn’t work. it’s a simple task that is not working? 


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @deadondesign 

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community! Happy to help merge your profiles!

I am sure you used the article I linked above on how to merge the two profiles. One thing to add that is not called out specifically in the article, there is sometimes a slight delay before the profiles merge, as merging is a task in queue that must be processed. I would check the profiles again to see if the action has been completed. 

As you also stated in your post, you have also tried updating the email address from the customer’s profile under the Contact section of the profile correct?

If neither of these two options are working, I would reach out to Klaviyo Support, to have them go into your account to see why its not updating as expected. 

Badge +2

Hi- thanks for the quick response! I jumped on the chat and got it resolved. If anyone else has this problem - try clearing your cache - that was one issue with editing the email. The other was with the merge you have to hit return after putting in the email address. That wasn’t very intuitive. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @deadondesign 

I’m glad you were able to get it solved quickly. Thank you for sharing other troubleshooting measures that other members can try if they are experiencing similiar issues! So glad to have you as part of the community.
