Hi Marfa, great question! I think having the option for customers to opt in to marketing emails through back in stock notifications is a great way to organically grow your email list - as long as it’s an optional part of signing up to back in stock notifications, it shouldn’t take away from the purpose of Back in Stock. Giving your customers the option also allows them an easy avenue to re-opt in if they’ve previously unsubscribed and might not have realised they’re missing out on your marketing emails.
When setting it up, just ensure that the customer has to manually tick to opt themselves into your marketing emails to avoid any consent issues.
Overall I don’t see many cons with this if it’s set up correctly, but the pros are clear: New contacts added to your email list who are actively engaging with your brand/products and have provided explicit consent indicating they want to receive communications from you and will be more likely to open/click/convert.
Happy to chat about this further if you’d like!