I have a flow with the trigger “placed order” and a trigger filter “containing item1 or item2 or item3,…” So the flow should only start, if s.o. buys minimum one of these items.
After the trigger I set a conditional split which says “placed order is equal 1”. Does equal 1 means, that the customer bought the first time one of the items from the trigger filter or bought the first time at all (maybe an item, which is not in the trigger filter).
Thanks, Chris
Best answer by chloe.strange
Okay I understand the question. The trigger will only pull in profiles who satisfied the conditions you included (placed order” and a trigger filter “containing item1 or item2 or item3,…” The conditional split will then split the group of profiles that entered into the flow, so “placed order is equal 1” would be referring to item1, item 2, 3 (what is included in the trigger), not just any item. This article also gives more information on how profiles move through a flow.
Okay I understand the question. The trigger will only pull in profiles who satisfied the conditions you included (placed order” and a trigger filter “containing item1 or item2 or item3,…” The conditional split will then split the group of profiles that entered into the flow, so “placed order is equal 1” would be referring to item1, item 2, 3 (what is included in the trigger), not just any item. This article also gives more information on how profiles move through a flow.