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Add a LINK to subscriber's name variable to man age_preferences

  • December 18, 2024
  • 3 replies

Contributor IV


@Ashley I. ​@AndriyBoychuk 

Thank you for hosting another great NYC meetup on Monday.
I am trying to build the manage_preferences link on the visitors first_name variable as you showed us on the big screen…

IF the normal way to add a link to manage_preferences is:

{% manage_preferences 'Link Text Lives Here - Click to join the Birthday Club!' %} 

I then tried:

{% if first_name %}Hi {% manage_preferences '{{ first_name | title }}' %},{% endif %}

and this does not render the first_name variable.

I opened a ticket with support-  they said this is not possible.
But I saw with my own eyes your link on the screen.

Can you please share the secret sauce?

Thinking out loud, are you using HOSTED pages for preferences?
I was using the Klaviyo provided. Should I be using HOSTED and we can make any links we want?



PS -- I learned Extended ID is not going to drop for the rest of us until 31-DEC
But I did discover this notion doc:



Best answer by Ashley I.

Hi ​@jeremyroberts ,

Thank you for attending this month’s Meetup event! 

You are on the right track here, but the order of operations is a bit off. Follow these steps to achieve the “Link First Name to Manage Preferences Page” functionality we discussed at the event:

  1. Navigate to the template you want to add the link to, and input the First Name tag with your preferred display text 
    {{ first_name|title|default:'friend' }}


  2. Next, highlight the personalization tag in full, and click the Link button in the template builder to add the link to the Preference Page (i.e. “Manage Preferences”) consent page:


  3. In the link, input the following:
    {% manage_preferences_link %}


  4. Click the Apply button, and now your template should appear with the First Name linked to your Preference Page:



From here, you can change the color of the link text in your template as you see fit to draw the appropriate attention to it. 

I’m using just the plain ol’ Klaviyo-provided consent pages in this account, so following these steps should work for you as well. 

Hope this helps! 

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Ashley I.
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  • December 18, 2024

Hi ​@jeremyroberts ,

Thank you for attending this month’s Meetup event! 

You are on the right track here, but the order of operations is a bit off. Follow these steps to achieve the “Link First Name to Manage Preferences Page” functionality we discussed at the event:

  1. Navigate to the template you want to add the link to, and input the First Name tag with your preferred display text 
    {{ first_name|title|default:'friend' }}


  2. Next, highlight the personalization tag in full, and click the Link button in the template builder to add the link to the Preference Page (i.e. “Manage Preferences”) consent page:


  3. In the link, input the following:
    {% manage_preferences_link %}


  4. Click the Apply button, and now your template should appear with the First Name linked to your Preference Page:



From here, you can change the color of the link text in your template as you see fit to draw the appropriate attention to it. 

I’m using just the plain ol’ Klaviyo-provided consent pages in this account, so following these steps should work for you as well. 

Hope this helps! 

Contributor IV
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  • December 18, 2024

Hi ​@Ashley I. 
The entire “preference page” is SO POORLY DOCUMENTED by Klaviyo…
And what little is there is stuck in 2015.

SO -- using
{% manage_preferences 'Link Text Lives Here' %} is right out of a K help doc.
But the technique you shared, to use {% manage_preferences_link %} and inserted via a href is not documented. Seriously.

And K support was pushing me to make hosted pages.
I should know better.
I think question one when I chat in to support should be, “please escalate this chat right now to someone who has worked at Klaviyo more than 3 months”
Or never use Chat. 🔔🔔🔔

Thank you for the quick fix on this. Great idea!!!

Contributor IV
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  • Contributor IV
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  • December 18, 2024

PS -- I found this in help doc:

If you're adding the manage preferences tag as linked text in a message, use {% manage_preferences %}. However, if you're adding the manage preferences tag to a button or image block in a message, you must use {% manage_preferences_link %}.


So it’s KINDA there, but well hidden.