Hello everyone,
I'm asking for your help with a question that seems fairly ‘simple’ but which I'm having absolutely no luck setting up and making work…
I would simply like to add my customers' order tracking numbers to a personalised email (to create an order delivery flow).
I tested the variable: {{ event.extra.fulfilments.0.tracking_number|default:‘’ }}
It ‘works’ but as my customers receive a gift card automatically (so there's no tracking number), the tracking displays nothing because it's trying to retrieve the gift card tracking number…
If I put: {{ event.extra.fulfilments.1.tracking_number|default:‘’ }} = It works. But on the other hand, for customers who order and don't have the gift card, the tracking number doesn't display anything…
If I put: {{ event.extra.fulfilments.tracking_number|default:‘’ }} = Strictly nothing is displayed…
Does anyone have a simple solution? I'm getting bored, stupidly, with a simple thing like that ahah.
Thanks a lot.