I see you have left the “where (choose property) equals ___” section of the segment definition blank. You’ll need to either fill that section in with a property (to designate a particular subscription) or remove that section of the definition entirely by clicking on the little “x” to the right of the the blank box next to “equals”. This section cannot be left blank. Then, try re-running the segment definition.
If you’re still having trouble after this, try re-creating the segment definition from scratch by exiting out of this screen and starting the process again (typically this error is a temporary one that only exists with a single segment). You can also try to use another browser to create the segment.
If you are still experiencing issues after running through the aforementioned solutions, I recommend trying to reach out to support using a separate browser.
I see you have left the “where (choose property) equals ___” section of the segment definition blank. You’ll need to either fill that section in with a property (to designate a particular subscription) or remove that section of the definition entirely by clicking on the little “x” to the right of the the blank box next to “equals”. This section cannot be left blank. Then, try re-running the segment definition.
If you’re still having trouble after this, try re-creating the segment definition from scratch by exiting out of this screen and starting the process again (typically this error is a temporary one that only exists with a single segment). You can also try to use another browser to create the segment.
If you are still experiencing issues after running through the aforementioned solutions, I recommend trying to reach out to support using a separate browser.