Hi! in 2022 I created separate email lists for ever pop up event I attended. I thought this was the best way to target them. Now, I have too many lists, and I want to lump them all into one big “2022” list so that when I send out an email I can click on one list.
Has anyone done this? Or, does anyone have a better solution I could use moving forward in 2023 instead of making individual lists for each pop up?
Best answer by SeanMcC
@BethyGeddy Hi this is something that I have been looking at as having different popup creative for each brand for example yields higher submit rate. One option is to use a conditional split in flow depending on the form consent id ie and sending that customer down a different path in the flow whilst remaining in the same list.
I am also looking at the option of having dynamically generated pop ups which will show relevant content depending on the page> I believe Optinmonster offer this function.
You can combine your lists using a segment. You can find instructions on that here. Once combined, you can select Manage Segment > Convert to List if you'd like to convert the segment (containing all of your lists) into a single list.
Keep in mind, converting a segment to a list is permanent, and cannot be undone. Also, you’ll want to ensure you update all sign-ups forms, flows (which can be done by cloning the flow and selecting the new list) or pre-scheduled campaigns to include this new “master list” rather than your old lists which wouldn’t exist anymore after this change.
@BethyGeddy Hi this is something that I have been looking at as having different popup creative for each brand for example yields higher submit rate. One option is to use a conditional split in flow depending on the form consent id ie and sending that customer down a different path in the flow whilst remaining in the same list.
I am also looking at the option of having dynamically generated pop ups which will show relevant content depending on the page> I believe Optinmonster offer this function.