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Hi there. I’m setting up my SMS campaign. I’ve selected my audience, created the text message and when I get to the final screen and try to click on ‘Schedule or Send’ I’m not able to. It’s greyed out. Even though I have green checkmarks next to all the tasks.


What could be going on here?


Well thank you so much @davidto . I think this will help a lot.

Hello @DRich010,

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community!

Seems like the “Schedule or Send” option may be gray out since your campaign isn’t actually eligible to be sent to any recipients. Notice how the Account Credit Limits section reads: “Sending this campaign will use 0 credits...”

In my experience, this is common:

  • If you’re just starting out with SMS and have not collected SMS consent from your recipients
  • Using the lists/segments as your recipient group that have not provided SMS consent (you kept the SMS subscribers in a different list/segment)
  • Included too many exclusion groups that filtered out all your SMS subscribers
  • Trying to send SMS to a region where you haven’t collected SMS consent from those recipients yet

I would recommend checking out our Guide to collecting SMS consent and Basics: SMS compliance Help Center articles if you haven’t already to help understanding collecting SMS consent. 

I hope this helps!


