Hello! I’m having issues testing out my new Abandoned Checkout flow that I set up. Here’s the set up I did, with the goal being that I can test it out myself before I turn off our Shopify flow and turn this Klaviyo flow on:
- The trigger is filterd to “Checkout Started”, and also filtered to customers with my business’s email domain. Eg if my test email is “test@blahblah.com” then I have it set to filter only to profiles that have the email domain “blahblah.com” or contains “blahblah”
- Reduced trigger to only 4 min to test quickly
- Unchecked “skip recently emailed profiles” for the first abandoned checkout email.
I made a test account and started a checkout, and also subscribed to the email newsletter in the checkout flow.. I checked the profile for the test account on Klaviyo and confirmed the profile was created, and the “Checkout Started” event was triggered. So why didn’t I get the abandoned checkout email? I did get the “welcome” flow email, but not the abandoned checkout one. Can anyone help me troubleshoot?