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Anyone Use Warranty Registration as step in Post purchase flow?

  • January 13, 2023
  • 4 replies

  • Problem Solver III
  • 79 replies

Anyone Use Warranty Registration as step in Post purchase flow? Although customers are entitle to a certain level of warranty many retailers include a pre paid post card and ask customer to fill in some details and pop in post. The ecommerce version would be a ‘Register your Warranty’ email sent after 4 weeks. An embedded Klaviyo should do the trick to acquite extra profile .


I look forward to your thoughts.



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4 replies

  • Klaviyo Alum
  • 1552 replies
  • January 13, 2023

Hi @SeanMcC ,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts here and I look forward to hearing what other Community members think as well.

In terms of order of operations and where this would go in your customer’s journey, would you see this as an additional form that is sent? Would this just be attached to the current user’s profile as a property? If it were to just be an email sent, using a time delay could be the way to send an email out to collect more info using a form within the email.



  • Author
  • Problem Solver III
  • 79 replies
  • January 14, 2023

@alex.hong As this is not an essential step for the customer to take however many will consider it a peace of mind that they will indeed have a 24 month warranty then the open an submission rate should be quite high. It would be good to prefill the form with the customers product and shopify order number and then request they update other properties of interest such as dob, gender, favourite sport and perhaps date of last eye test (we sell eyewear ) so that we can use these properties to send even better segmented emails.

It could be as part of post purchase flow or a separate warranty flow.


Timing might be best left to 3 months after sale when when a new sale may be more likely?

  • Author
  • Problem Solver III
  • 79 replies
  • January 14, 2023

The main issue I am finding is how to send customer to a preferences page other that the standard that we use for regular updates. I note that you can have different preference pages though only one per list. I dont wish to have to split these customers into different lists for the purpose of serving a different update form for the warranty registration. I hope I am making some sense ;)


  • Klaviyo Alum
  • 1552 replies
  • January 17, 2023

@SeanMcC ,

I would suggest looking to set up a post-purchase flow then and send an embedded form with an email to collect this information. Does that work?