Hi @mscheurichpatou,
Thanks for sharing this in the Community - it’s an interesting use to pull in to the notification emails! For some clarity, when you’re using personalized variables, it populates with information on the contact that reached this step in the flow. So for this particular email notification to your team, it would trigger based on the action of the person or event variable.
You can read more about this in the article section “Add the Notification Action” here.
When customizing your message content, you can include personalization variables that will populate with information regarding the contact that reached this step in the flow — i.e., the contact triggering the notification. For metric-triggered flows, you can also use event variables in your message.
You will not be able to use the following in your message:
- Dynamic coupons
- Data or product feeds
- Webview, preference, or unsubscribe link tags

Please also note that the Notification Flow will not work for more than give recipients.
Thanks so much, and hope this was helpful!