I would like to ask for help with the fact that the abandoned checkout series is set up and when I set it up it showed the abandoned products, but now it doesn't show it at all, klaviyo and shopify are well connected, it tracks the data, I can also see that there are abandoned checkouts, but the product does not appear in the email, can you please help me with this?
Dynamic variable or dynamic URL:
{% if item.product.variant.images.0.src %}{{item.product.variant.images.0.src}}{%else%}{{item.product.images.0.src|missing_product_image}}{%endif%}
Link address:
{% if item.product.variant.images.0.src %}{{item.product.variant.images.0.src}}{%else%}{{item.product.images.0.src|missing_product_image}}{%endif%}
{{ item.product.title }}

Thank you in advance for your help.