This way, when people sign up through my website pop-ups, I can give different discount codes depending on their past behavior. (20% -15% - 10% and 0%)
But now I would like to create an instagram landing page that gives the same amount of discount regardless of peoples past behavior. And I would like to send them down the same welcome flow (the 20% path to be exact)
Is there a way I could achieve this? Or do I have to create a separate welcome flow for them?
I was thinking of adding another filter to the first conditional split… maybe “properties about someone” “consent_form_Id” “equals” “my Instagram sign up form” but I’m not sure how that would work in combination with the current conditional split-set up…. ?
You are on the right path but here are a couple of wrinkles!
For the discount - You could add in another AND condition that is filtering a property to each conditional split. I’d recommend you create a new custom property that is filled in when they opt-in, kind of like this in the button settings. And that hidden field is applied to all forms where it’d make sense to treat those opt-ins all the same (i.e your landing page & main pop-up having this hidden field) -
If needed, you could also make a final path in your welcome flow for all ‘others’ who don’t meet your discount percentages as a catch-all just in-case it is needed.
But one thing I notice is your flow trigger is when they are added to a certain list. Is it possible prior opt-ins find your IG landing page? Then they might already be on this list and won’t re-enter this flow. That is where maybe changing your opt-in to a segment trigger might work to make sure it includes all new form fills and then you could keep everyone going down the same welcome flow.
You are on the right path but here are a couple of wrinkles!
For the discount - You could add in another AND condition that is filtering a property to each conditional split. I’d recommend you create a new custom property that is filled in when they opt-in, kind of like this in the button settings. And that hidden field is applied to all forms where it’d make sense to treat those opt-ins all the same (i.e your landing page & main pop-up having this hidden field) -
If needed, you could also make a final path in your welcome flow for all ‘others’ who don’t meet your discount percentages as a catch-all just in-case it is needed.
But one thing I notice is your flow trigger is when they are added to a certain list. Is it possible prior opt-ins find your IG landing page? Then they might already be on this list and won’t re-enter this flow. That is where maybe changing your opt-in to a segment trigger might work to make sure it includes all new form fills and then you could keep everyone going down the same welcome flow.
For the discount - You could add in another AND condition that is filtering a property to each conditional split. I’d recommend you create a new custom property that is filled in when they opt-in, kind of like this in the button settings. And that hidden field is applied to all forms where it’d make sense to treat those opt-ins all the same (i.e your landing page & main pop-up having this hidden field) -
Ok just to re-cap and double-check wether I understood correctly;
So you’re saying I could add the same hidden field property to my 20% pop-up and my IG landing page (since I want people who signed up through either of them to be treated the same). And then add that hidden property as an additional condition to my first conditional split (using “AND”) .
What would yo recommend I use for that hidden property? One from klaviyos pre-made properties like $id or would you create a new one?
For the final path to catch all ‘others’ it would be enough to add emails below the “no” path of the conditional split on the far right, yes?
Spark Bridge Digital LLC wrote:
But one thing I notice is your flow trigger is when they are added to a certain list. Is it possible prior opt-ins find your IG landing page? Then they might already be on this list and won’t re-enter this flow. That is where maybe changing your opt-in to a segment trigger might work to make sure it includes all new form fills and then you could keep everyone going down the same welcome flow.
I’m not sure I understand what you mean by this? Could you explain further? My IG landing page is a simple “sign up to my newsletter and get 20% off”-thing. So I do not want someone who already signed up to my email list once to re-enter that flow again. (I also made sure that the landing page is not shown to people who are already on my list.)
Thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it