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How to add a clickable phone number to an email

Klaviyo Employee

There are many reasons you might want to provide a phone number for customers to reach you at, and it’s a great way to keep an open line of communication with your customers if you offer phone support. So how do you easily share that with a customer in an email?

There are two ways you can add a click-to-call link to your emails:

  1. Add it as linked text. If you mention your phone number within a text block, you can hyperlink it to your phone number by adding the following HTML to your text block’s source code: 
    <a href="tel:+18881235467">1-888-123-5467</a>.


  2. Add it as a button. Drag and drop a button into your message. Add an appropriate call to action in the Button Text field, and instead of a Link URL, add “tel:+18881235467” 

Be sure to replace the example number with your own number, and keep the same formatting as in the example.

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12 replies

Contributor I
  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • June 11, 2021

This is great! Been looking for this in awhile now, thank you!
Serp Co

  • Problem Solver II
  • 98 replies
  • June 27, 2021

Hi @Julia.LiMarzi, this is a great tip and I’ve just used it in an email. However, is there a way to track if this link is clicked? 



David To
Klaviyo Employee
  • Klaviyo Employee
  • 2456 replies
  • June 27, 2021

Hello @wernstrom,

Great question!

Klaviyo can only track how many people clicked on a link if the link goes to a webpage. This is because Klaviyo tracks clicks via the _ke parameter that Klaviyo automatically appends at the end of URL links. Since this function does not redirect users a website but instead provide an action, clicking on this tel: function would not be tracked in Klaviyo’s link activity. 

Thanks for being a member of the Klaviyo Community!


  • Problem Solver II
  • 98 replies
  • June 27, 2021

Thanks for clarifying, appreciate it!

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • July 20, 2021

This is not working for me. I typed in the phone number exactly as shown above in the first post example. Then hit Save. When I come back into the Button Block, the field has changed to “tel://+1234567890” (but my number), it adds //. When I test this, the button breaks in Outlook. I have tried in Chrome and Firefox, any assistance would be helpful. 



David To
Klaviyo Employee
  • Klaviyo Employee
  • 2456 replies
  • July 21, 2021

Hello @Tyler,

Despite the change in your button block’s URL link which adds the “//”; this should not hinder the feature which would automatically launch your default phone app or software (on desktop) to make a call to the listed number. One thing to keep in mind though is that the capability of this function is highly dependent on the the email client and device you are working on. Campaign Monitor has a great write up in their following blog: Email, Phone Home: Initiating Voice Calls from HTML Email Newsletters.

As detailed in the blog, for example if you were viewing the email from an IPhone, unless you were using the default Apple Mail App, this function would not be available. I’ve also included the chart that helps explain this below for your convenience:

Desktop email clients Tel: Support Skype: Support
Outlook 2007/2010 No Yes
Outlook 2003 No Yes
Apple Mail No Yes
Windows Live Mail No Yes
Thunderbird No Yes
Webmail clients Tel: Support Skype: Support
Hotmail No No
Yahoo! Mail No Yes
Gmail Yes No
Mobile email clients Tel: Support Skype: Support
iPhone Yes Yes
Android (Gmail) Yes No
Android (default) Yes No
BlackBerry 6 OS Yes No
Windows Mobile 7 Yes No


I hope this helps!


  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • April 14, 2022

Hi. is there a way to link Australian numbers? I can’t seem to get it to work either way 

  • Klaviyo Alum
  • 1493 replies
  • April 14, 2022

Hi @maddie_wd,

This should still be working for you. However, the issue could very well boil down to the platform being used (in reference to David’s chart above).

With that said, can you share a screenshot of the anchor tag you’re using? And also a screenshot of the button URL. 

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • August 5, 2022

Hi! This code doesn't work in a iOS mobiles, in mi iphone 12 pro max, don't work. I need make another steps or something is wrong with my phone? Because i try in a android device, and this link work. But, my customers uses iphone’s. Im very scared, if my email customer don't can call me i trashed all my work of my flows… Help me please!

Partner - Gold
  • Partner - Gold
  • 82 replies
  • November 30, 2022

Hi all - chiming in on this, I just did this for my clients’ email and it is not working on my iphone - can anyone help? I have used tel: before in other applications and even double-checked what’s up top but it still is not working.

  • Klaviyo Alum
  • 1493 replies
  • December 5, 2022

Hi @chelsgrove,

Can you confirm if you were viewing the email using the default Apple Mail App? It will not work unless you use the default app. This functionality is highly dependent on the the email client and device you are working on.

I hope that’s helpful.

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • April 19, 2023

Is there a work around to add a phone call link to Gmail for iphone users? 
