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Naming the campaigns and not getting lost

  • March 12, 2021
  • 1 reply

Problem Solver I

Hi friends,


I want to create a campaign for a product that’s been around for over a year (I am a book publisher). When I went on searching for my previous campaigns in order to find one of the same product, I realized what a mess I made with the campaign names.


How do you name your campaigns and how do you organize them? Do you insert the dates, just the main subject of the campaign? Any tips?

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  • March 15, 2021

@vitbarreto This is my favorite subject that no one else seem to find interesting. :joy:  As an ex-engineer myself, conventions for “variable names” can mitigate a lot of debugging or error checking for silly issues like typos or ambiguous names. (For example, Python has a whole document for conventions that aren’t required, but preferred!)

The way we do it for our clients is the following:

  • yymmdd_short-description_audience
  • Add a Tag for similar Campaigns but to different audiences with yymmdd_short-description
  • Tag any A/B Testing groups
  • Tag any Campaign Types
  • Tag any Specific Products

So, an example might look like:

Tags: 20210317_st-patricks-day, subject-line_emoji, promotions


A few benefits of this particular scheme:

  • We use underscores (“_”) to separate concepts, and dashes (“-”) to separate phrases, and everything is always lower case unless it’s an acronym like “VIP”.  This resolves any issues with case sensitivity (was it all capitalized, titled capitalize? first letter only? first letter in the phrase only? or not?) or strange special characters inconsistently applied to things like “spaces” when you export data to other tools.
  • When you look in Google Analytics, your campaigns can be sorted by the dates when you sort by Campaign Name as the Campaign name is what we used as the UTM Campaign variable too.
  • If we want to do a Custom Report to see how St Patrick Day’s campaign performed across all Lists/Segments, we can group-by the tag: 20210317_st-patricks-day
  • If we want to do a Custom Report for all A/B Testing Campaigns where we have an “Emoji” in the subject line we can group-by the tag: subject-line-emoji (Other tags might include things like: subject-line_short, subject-line_long, subject-line_first-name, etc)
  • If we want to do a Custom Report for all Campaigns of type “Promotions” we can group-by the tag: promotions. (Others might include: product-launch, teaser, early-access, video, etc)
  • When you want to do segments of people who received a campaign, you can just put in the date to find it quickly instead of scrolling through dozens of campaigns looking for the right one.  
  • If you do a quick “search” in Campaigns, you can just add the audience text string and it’ll quickly filter only “tier-1-engaged” audiences without pulling  up a custom report. (Alternatively, you can use a tag as well, but we like that data in the campaign name since it’s referenced frequently)

I know this all seems tedious and seemingly over-engineered, but the details and nuances really help later down the road - especially when you’re trying to reference data or performance results from Klaviyo’s reporting and or other external tools!  Of course, you can create your own conventions too, as long as you’re consistent!