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Where are my form unique IDs? I need to add them to triggers/conditional splits


Hello. I’m almost ready to pull my hair out, so any help will be very much appreciated.

I’ve got a list going, and I want to set up two different triggers: 

  1. one Welcome email series for Discount subscribers
  2. one Welcome email series for Non Discount subscribers

If I understood things correctly, my initial trigger is “Subscribes to Mailing List”, then I add a conditional split in my Discount email flow thusly:

  1. Properties about someone > Unique ID > equals > (the first discount email ID)
  2. Properties about someone > Unique ID > doesn’t equal > (the first non-discount email ID)

I’ll then have to reverse this in my Non Discount email flow, so that those subscribing to my non discount list see the non-discount emails but don’t see the discount ones.

FIRST QUESTION: is what I did above correct?

SECOND QUESTION: where do I find the correct Unique IDs for each email list? I’m assuming it’s the code that appears when I click Edit on my Email #1 for each series, but I’m either going mental or those codes have changed each time I checked on them...

Best answer by Ashley I.

@Eleanor Shadow.

Happy to hear that you are feeling more confident about conditional splits! :) 

Now what I’ll need to do is recreate the same pop-up to my main list and change the URL where the old one was, correct? Or should I create another form?


Yes! You are able to Clone your original sign-up form within Klaviyo, and then within the Form Editor you can change the form submission to be connected to your new Main List. You can then update the URL to be connected to the new form that sends users to your Main List. 


Just be sure that if you do create a new form, that you update your conditional split(s) with the new Unique ID that we talked about earlier in the thread as that will be different per each form. 


Let me know if there is anything else I can help with!


-- Ashley Ismailovski 

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Ashley I.
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  • February 17, 2023

Hi @Eleanor Shadow ,

Welcome to the Community! Happy to assist you with this query. 

Similar to how you would find the Form ID for sign-up forms, you can find the Unique ID for a specific list in your Klaviyo account by checking the address bar at the top of your screen which displays the current URL. Navigate to the List & Segments tab in your account, and after clicking into your specific list you can copy 6-digit code at the end of the URL:

In regards to your flow, how is the discount you are offering being presented to subscribers? If it is presented using a Sign-Up form, and both Discounted and Non-Discounted subscribers are added to the same list, you can instead add a conditional split to your flow based on the Form ID (Unique ID) the user submitted to opt-in to deliver the correct content to each subscriber group. It would look something like this:

So with this logic, those subscribers who opted in using the form with the promotion would receive an email that has your discount offer, and anyone who did not see that use that incentivized message would receive non-discounted content.

You can find the Form ID for a sign-up form used to add a user to your list the same was as you did the Unique ID for your list. First go to the Sign Up Forms tab in your account, and select the form with your discount code before copying the code in the URL as shown:

This may be where you are stuck since it sounds like this needs to be triggered based on the method the user submitted to sign-up - which in most cases would be triggered via the Form ID as the Unique ID, instead of the List ID. 


Hope this helps!

-- Ashley Ismailovski

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  • February 17, 2023

Hi, @Ashley I.

Thanks so much for replying to my query. 

My discount code is prompted when someone signs up via the pop-up form I created in Klaviyo and which opens in my website - when someone subscribes, they get the code, which also corresponds to email #1 in the Discount welcome email series.

However, I can’t for the life of me remember (or see!) where the non-discount code people come from, because I don’t see a form created for that in my Sign-Up Forms page… I have embedded this link to some of my website buttons, though: 

  • Is the RTcXBK  the ID for this “form”?
  • Should I simply create a new form and use the new one’s ID?

This is what I did for the Discount folk: yes to the pop-up, no to the link of the non-discount page. Did I do this right? I’m assuming that if this is correct, then I should go to the Non Discount flow and reverse the conditional splits?

Thanks again! Truly. What a learning curve :)

Ashley I.
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  • February 17, 2023

Hi @Eleanor Shadow ,

Thanks for that additional context, it’s super helpful! 


This is your Subscribe Page for your list. You can find & edit this page by first navigating to Lists & Segments, and then selecting the List you are adding new subscribers to. Once, there select the “Subscribe & Preferences Pages” tab:

If you have previously customized this page for your list, you will see an option to edit it here. If not, you can click the “Go to Default Pages” button in the center of the screen, and select your Subscribe Page template from the provided list of pages:

That should be one mystery solved! :)

For the conditional split,
You are 100% on the right track, but I think you could simplifed this further.

If I am correct in understanding that ONLY users who fill out the 1 specific sign-up form for the discount will ever need to see the discount code, and there are no other user groups that need to see that code, then you can remove the second conditional split you have in your screenshot.

In this scenario, the first conditional split accounts for “Discounted Users” under the ‘Yes’ path, and all others by default would go through the ‘No’ path to not receive the code. So instead of adding another conditional split, you could replace that with the “Non-Discount” email that you wish to send to all other users who do not need to receive the code. Would look something like my earlier screenshot:

It’s not necessary to create a second conditional split to account for all other sign-up methods (especially if you can’t remember them all!) if only 1 group of users need to receive special discount content, and the rest can all be lumped into a separate group. 

Hope this makes sense!
-- Ashley Ismailovski

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  • February 17, 2023

Hi again, @Ashley I. !


Ok, the plot thickens...


Ashley I. wrote:

If you have previously customized this page for your list, you will see an option to edit it here. If not, you can click the “Go to Default Pages” button in the center of the screen, and select your Subscribe Page template from the provided list of pages:




So: I do see the options you mention (plus a couple more)


But when I click on any of them, it’s all generic pages that haven’t been edited (although the URL for the Subscribe Page is indeed the one I provided!)



If I click on the link direct, it does show the correct subscription form:



I haven’t redone the conditional split yet at the time of writing :)

Again, thanks so much for all your help!

Ashley I.
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  • February 17, 2023

@Eleanor Shadow ,


Do you happen to have any other Lists in your Klaviyo account that this page could be connected to? These pages can be configured per-list, and so if you were using a different list previously, or for another purpose, it might be setup there. 


-- Ashley Ismailovski

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  • February 17, 2023

@Ashley I. 

Yes! I had one list for Discount and another for Non Discount folk, which I’d then switch to my Main list once they went through their respective Welcome emails. As you can probably tell, I came from another email marketing supplier that used a different approach, assumed Klaviyo would be the same and set my stuff up the wrong way (this is what I’ve been trying to correct now)

Does this change anything? I can recreate the template in my Main List and change the URL links in my website’s non-discount subscription buttons…?

Ashley I.
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  • February 17, 2023

@Eleanor Shadow,

Ah, got it!

So yes, the best practice would be to move forward with one main list. Not only will this be much more streamlined, but it will also give you a variety of benefits, including:

  • Easily find all your opted-in contacts
  • Maintain good data hygiene
  • Access list growth visibility
  • Optimize deliverability

If you are interested, you can read more about it in this Help Center guide: Understanding the benefits of having a main list for each channel.

That small side note aside…
You can definitely duplicate this template over onto your main list, and update your button link to have all users flowing into your Main List, regardless of their Discount status. The conditional split you added to your Welcome Series will then filter users so that they receive the code only when relevant. That should solve your original question!

If all that sounds like too much work for you right now, you can alternatively create a second Welcome Series connected to that “Non Discount” list. So in this case, Welcome Series #1 would trigger on a user being added to the Discount List, and Welcome Series #2 would be triggered by a user being added to the Non Discount List - no conditional splits needed! But it’s definitely not best practice to have two separate Welcome Series running at once.

I know it may sound like more work to update the Subscribe Page, button link, and add the conditional split to your Welcome Series to work off of one Main List, but this would set you up for more long term success on Klaviyo :)

-- Ashley Ismailovski

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  • February 17, 2023

@Ashley I. 


I’ve already put everyone in the same Main List, this is why I’m currently wrestling with the conditional splits :)

So, to clarify:

  • I’ve now got only one list, where everyone goes once they subscribe, some coming from the Discount pop-up on my website, some coming from the Non-Discount buttons here and there.
  • I’ve set up two Welcome email flows, one for Discount and another for Non-Discount people, and my conditional splits are still the same as initially.

Now what I’ll need to do is recreate the same pop-up to my main list and change the URL where the old one was, correct? Or should I create another form?

Phew, I think that’s it. Considering 24h ago I didn’t know what a flow or a conditional split were, I think I’ve made progress, with your help :)

Ashley I.
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  • February 17, 2023

@Eleanor Shadow.

Happy to hear that you are feeling more confident about conditional splits! :) 

Now what I’ll need to do is recreate the same pop-up to my main list and change the URL where the old one was, correct? Or should I create another form?


Yes! You are able to Clone your original sign-up form within Klaviyo, and then within the Form Editor you can change the form submission to be connected to your new Main List. You can then update the URL to be connected to the new form that sends users to your Main List. 


Just be sure that if you do create a new form, that you update your conditional split(s) with the new Unique ID that we talked about earlier in the thread as that will be different per each form. 


Let me know if there is anything else I can help with!


-- Ashley Ismailovski 

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  • February 17, 2023

Thanks so very much, @Ashley I. ! I think I understood.

If it’s alright, I’ll leave this topic open until tomorrow so I have time to make the changes and see if I have any additional questions - it’s 8.30pm over here and I’m ready to call it a day :)


Ashley I.
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  • February 17, 2023

Not a problem, have a great weekend! 

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  • February 18, 2023

Hi, @Ashley I. 

Just to let you know I’ve made the changes: I created a new subscription page, changed the IDs of each conditional splits so that Discount Code subs get one set of emails and Non Discount Code subs get another.

72h ago I didn’t even quite know what a conditional split was, so that’s an improvement!

Thank you so very much for all your help. Have a superb week :)
