I have attached photos for more your clearance, however I explain here also , I have a user mail data on cart page (Recipient's Email), I collect this mail data from user to send gift mails.
I created 3 mail templates for my three products and assign used flows, and I checked these are working well, but I need to send Recipient's Email what user enter in cart page.
is it possible ? Please check my photos also.
Photo 1 : I collect data on cart page

same data on shofiy back end

I created a 3 templates for three produces :

Note :
When User select product: Chocolate and enter Gift Recipient's Email on cart page I need to send that Recipient to above marked mail template. How can I do that?
User Select Chocolate Product > Enter Gift Recipient's Email (On card page) > user checkout the order > Klaviyo send chocolate mail template to Recipient's Email