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Dynamic date property download

  • 6 September 2023
  • 4 replies

I have a question regarding a flow I set up to create a unique number for each customer who received the email. I used a date property because I couldn't figure out any other way. But now I need to download the list with all those unique numbers, and I'm hoping there's a way to do it because we're doing giveaways based on the numbers. Is there a way? Thank you!


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @dkjonzy,

I agree, I thinking using a combination of event.ids would make tracking unique emails within the same flow easier. 

At present, there isn’t a way that I’m aware of that would store or update a profile property based on when an email is generated/sent. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @jvancampen,

Are you storing this date as a custom profile property? 

If so, you should be able to download it simply by exporting the list or segment capturing these profiles and selecting that custom profile property associated with that date during export. I would suggest checking out our How to export a list or segment to a CSV file Help Center article for instructions on how to do this. 

In the future, I think it may help to also take a look at our How to run a contest or giveaway using subscribe pages and How to take a random sample of a list or segment articles which highlights strategies for running contests. 

I hope this helps!


Badge +4

Thanks for the response. I was running it as a numerical value. The concept was to assign a unique number identifier to each profile that entered the flow, so we could use it to draw winners. 

Badge +3

It’s good to know that {% today “%s” as today %}today works as a sort of uuid. We have been looking for ways to do this as well so that urls in the emails are unique to that email. A combination of and this id make it so that emails are unique even within the same flow.

How would I go about saving that property to the profile when an email is generated/sent? @David To 
