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I want to create a flow of 3 email sequences for 1st time buyers. 

The first email should be sent immediately after purchasing, to simply congratulate the buyer. 

In the second email is where I offer an incentive. And in the third email is where I send a reminder, referring back to the second email. 

Which of the existing templates can I use for this? 

Hello @Niles,

Thanks for sharing your question with the Klaviyo Community.

You can start by using the default Custom Thank You flow from the flows library. You can access the flows library by navigating to the Flows tab > Create Flow (top-right) > search for the name “Customer Thank You”.


This will automatically create a flow with 2 emails, one catered for new buyers thanking them for their purchase and a second email catered to repeat buyers, thanking them for their repeat purchase.

This is a great starting flow template to achieve the goal of your first email. From here, you have the freedom to add additional emails to your flow.

For the second email, you should look into using dynamic coupon codes for Shopify. When you add a net-new email and click “Configure Content”, you’ll have the option to use Klaviyo’s default themed or basic templates, you can also use previously saved templates in your new email in this flow. You should add a unique coupon code into this email using the above guide.

For the third email, you can simply clone the 2nd email and change the wording around slightly. Or, you can use an existing template, or create a new one from scratch. If you reference the same coupon code in the email (as long as it’s not expired) it will display the same unique coupon code again in both emails. For example, say you have a coupon code that is valid for 10 days and it is contained in email number 2. You send email number 2 and then 8 days later, email number 3 sends, the same unique coupon code will be displayed in email number 2 & email number 3.

I hope that helps! Thanks for being a valued member of our Community.


Thank you for your help. 

I’ve followed your instruction and this is how it’s been implemented.


Now I’m thinking about deleting the part which is circled in RED. Because I want to create a separate flow for repeated buyers. Where I would use the same flow example as on the picture below, but what changes on this one is that this should be triggered when this repeated buyer order something for the 3rd or 5th time. And I want to automatically add these buyers to a “VIP” list.

Is what I’m saying above possible with the “Thank You” flow?




Hey @Niles,


That can be definitely done in the welcome flow.  You’ll need to use the conditional split’s to break out the paths based on the criteria you set (ie. order 1, order 2, order 3+, etc.).


You can definitely have a separate flow for that, but from my experience, it may be easier to have the splits in the same flow so you can easily visualize where your subscribers are being sent in their journey.


For adding people to a VIP list, you can use an action to update a profile property (ie. VIP = TRUE) and then have a segment based on that property OR just have a segment based on conditions you have set for VIP’s (ie. more than 5 orders within a year):



Also, some unsolicited feedback on pushing a promo so quickly after ordering, think through if it may be too off-putting in your customers journey.  But, I don’t know what your product is or the nature of your customers buying pattern. 


But, I’d recommend think long term relationship vs short term revenue.  It’ll pay off, I’ve been there :) 

Hi! How do I remove customers who have canceled or returned their orderfrom this flow?

Hello @Emailpro,

To automatically remove a custom from a flow if they’ve returned or cancelled their order, you can use the flow filters of “What someone has done, Cancelled Order zero times since starting this flow AND What someone has done, Refunded Order zero times since starting this flow”. 

Since flow filters are evaluated at every step of the flow, customers who cancel or refund an order with these two flow filter rules in place would automatically be removed from the flow and considered skipped.

I hope this helps!


I will look into these soon and feedback. 

Hi David

Thank you so much for your help. I have set it up the way below, but why does it not work when I type 'zero times'?



Best regards


Hi Camilla ( @Emailpro ),


What’s the desired result in this flow? 


If it’s only to allow people who have Cancelled or Refunded, you’ll need to change the OR to an AND. 


I know it doesn’t sound right, I had to double check by writing it down lol.  Check out this article on using AND vs OR in negative conditions:

Hello @Emailpro,

Great call out! Thank you for correcting me as I had meant for the rule to read “What someone has done, Cancelled Order zero times since starting this flow AND What someone has done, Refunded Order zero times since starting this flow”.

I’ve since gone ahead and edited my previous comment to reflect this as well!

Thanks for being a member of the Klaviyo Community!


Hey @Niles,


That can be definitely done in the welcome flow.  You’ll need to use the conditional split’s to break out the paths based on the criteria you set (ie. order 1, order 2, order 3+, etc.).


You can definitely have a separate flow for that, but from my experience, it may be easier to have the splits in the same flow so you can easily visualize where your subscribers are being sent in their journey.


For adding people to a VIP list, you can use an action to update a profile property (ie. VIP = TRUE) and then have a segment based on that property OR just have a segment based on conditions you have set for VIP’s (ie. more than 5 orders within a year):



Also, some unsolicited feedback on pushing a promo so quickly after ordering, think through if it may be too off-putting in your customers journey.  But, I don’t know what your product is or the nature of your customers buying pattern. 


But, I’d recommend think long term relationship vs short term revenue.  It’ll pay off, I’ve been there :) 




The welcome flow has been setup like this and now the First Time buyers will get an email congratulating them followed by offering a temporary one time discount code. I’m sure this one is good. 

For the repeated buyers, I’ve used the conditional split within the welcome flow as you suggested, and when they have shopped with us for the 7th time, they will receive a different discount that’s also temporary and can only be used once. 

Is what I’ve done with the conditional split for the repeated buyers good or am I missing anything?



Hey @Niles


Sorry, I realized I called it a welcome flow, I meant post-purchase but I see you have it in the post purchase. 


Right now, the way you have it set up, if someone’s 1st and 7th order, they will be sent down the YES path; otherwise they are sent down the NO path.  


Is that the desired result?

@Mailbox Manny My setup is based on the “Welcome Flow”. For every customer who Placed an Order for the 1st time, it will send them a THANK YOU email and then in the next emails notify them of the temporary discount. This is what I would call “First Time Buyers”. 

For customers who Placed an Order for the 7th time, it will send them a THANK YOU email, welcoming them into the VIP Group. Then offer a temporary discount in the next emails. 

This is what I would call “Repeated Buyers”.


To differentiate the two, I’ve used the conditional split as you suggested. But I only need to know if I’ve setup the conditional split correctly and if I’m missing anything. 


Hi @Niles,


You are on the right track!


1st Time Buyers Conditional Split:

  • You will KEEP the condition of “Placed Order = 1 over all time”
  • You will REMOVE the condition of “Placed Order = 7 over all time”

You will ADD a conditional split under the “Wait 1 minute” time delay in the Repeat Buyers path and add the condition of “Placed Order = 7 over all time.” You will then add the emails with the discount to the “Yes” path.


Also, if you are ever unsure, feel free to set this flow to manual status so that you can test the logic of the flow without the risk of having the email send live. 


Hope this helps!



By doing what you said it helped me understand why it wasn’t making sense before. 

I think I got it now :smiley:




By doing what you said it helped me understand why it wasn’t making sense before. 

I think I got it now :smiley:




To understand this flow and for the community to learn from this. What happens if the customer purchases on the Repeat Buyer Sequence flow within 6 hours?

Would the Email #2 sequence email still be sent to the customer, or is it recommended that another conditional split email flow should be created to avoid an unnecessary email follow up?



By doing what you said it helped me understand why it wasn’t making sense before. 

I think I got it now :smiley:



Hi Nile,

Thank you for what you have shared. I just have a question that are you just sending email to 1st and 7th customer? What's about 2nd, 3rd?

Looking forward to your response. Thank you!


Hi @Tristando,


My best guess is that @Niles is looking to just target 1st time customers as well as maybe the 7th+ purchase is what they deem as a requirement to receive their flows. For 2+ placed orders perhaps this doesn’t meet their marketing strategy criteria. But just a thought would love to hear from Niles as well.

Hi @Tristando,


My best guess is that @Niles is looking to just target 1st time customers as well as maybe the 7th+ purchase is what they deem as a requirement to receive their flows. For 2+ placed orders perhaps this doesn’t meet their marketing strategy criteria. But just a thought would love to hear from Niles as well.

Thank you Alex, so that my thought is right :joy:
