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Possible to run A/B test of pop-up with teaser / without teaser?

  • 7 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi! Is it possible to run A/B test of pop-up with teaser and one pop-up without teaser? 

Hello @HannaBystroem 

There is no native functionality of A/B testing the pop-up with teaser and one pop-up without teaser.

But you can use the UTM Parameters to trigger different type of pop-ups. One with teaser and one without teaser. This will only work if you can control the UTM parameters and distribute the traffic/visitors equally.

Hi @HannaBystroem 

Yes, split testing with and without a teaser is possible.

Create an A/B test on your existing form that has the teaser. You’ll then have two form variants: A and B. 

Edit your variant B form and delete the teaser (below), then publish your test. Your A variant will have the teaser and the B variant will not.

If you need info on setting up a form split test: 

Hope that helps,


Delete teaser - B variant

