Hi community,
I’m just finalizing the sync between Shopify and Klaviyo and am wondering what the best practice for the double opt in (DOI) process is with those two systems.
I set the sync up in a way that all my Shopify contacts get transferred to my main list. In this main list I have DOI set up, so everyone who enters this list will receive a confirmation email.
In my understanding, I think it will be sufficient to just turn off Shopify’s own DOI to avoid that Shopify contact receive two confirmation emails from both systems. However, in this forum I now often read that Shopify subscribes all contacts to marketing info if DOI is turned off - which would of course be bad.
In general, you either get into my shop’s database by buying a product or creating an account. In both cases, there is a checkbox to sig up for the newsletter, which is currently triggering the Shopify DOI email.
If I turn off Shopify DOI, will only the contacts that have checked this box get into Klaviyo and receive the Klaviyo DOI, or will Shopify suddenly mark everyone as a subscriber (which would be very weird).
In any way, is there anything else to consider when syncing Shopify marketing contacts to the main list and turning off the Shopify DOI?
Thanks a lot!
All the best