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How to set-up Free Shipping with discount?

  • 16 June 2022
  • 4 replies

Hi Fam, I’d like to set up free shipping with a discount on our campaign, is there any way to do that? I’m thinking to create a custom shipping profile in Shopify and then create the discount on Klaviyo. Thanks for the help.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @thepowerofcopy,

I think this would all depend on if you were wanting to create a static or unique coupon code. 

If you were looking to use a unique coupon code, you can simply create and generate the coupon directly within Klaviyo. The coupon function between Klaviyo and Shopify supports generating coupon for free shipping! If you haven’t already, I would highly recommend taking a look at our How to create unique coupon codes for Shopify and Getting started with coupon codes in Klaviyo Help Center articles. 

This means you’ll only need to manually create the discount code within Shopify when you’re planning on using a static discount code. 

I hope this helps!


Userlevel 3
Badge +11

What I mean is one coupon that they get Free-shipping with discount. Is that possible? 


Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @thepowerofcopy,

I see what you mean now! You’re talking about a single coupon code that would offer both free shipping and offer an additional discount (i.e. 10% off). 

If this was the case, you may have better luck reaching out to Shopify for more details on this. From my understanding, I believe Shopify only allows the creation of one discount type per a coupon which are not stackable. I.E. you would not be able to create a single coupon that offers both free shipping and 10%. Neither would you have the capability to have two coupons - one for free shipping and one for 10% - applied to the same transaction. 

Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some third-party app that could assist you in this manner such as the one described in this Shopify Community thread: Set Customer With Free Shipping And 10% Off - How?

I’d be curious to know how other Community members are able to accomplish this too!


Badge +4

@thepowerofcopy Did you find a way to create a one coupon code that offers both free shipping and discount?
