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Why isn't my image Center aligned in gmail mobile?

  • 22 June 2023
  • 2 replies

I have created an email, and when I test it on gmail (mobile) it does not center align some of the blocks. 

I have also tried the email on outlook client (desktop), and there it works as intended. 


In outlook/desktop: 


In gmail, on mobile: 


Hi there @AndréJ


Welcome to the Community! Happy to help! 


Great troubleshooting so far! I’d ensure that  your emails are optimized for mobile and has this feature toggled on for each block. I’d check out the similar questions asked by these Community users to gain more insight! 


Hope this helps!


Good morning @Taylor Tarpley!

Edit: I found the issue! Using the “set the same visibility for all blocks in this section” button, I found a solution. 


Thank you for the quick reply!
