Hello @EmbryOutdoors,
Welcome to the Klaviyo Community!
Since from your screenshot it seems like the theme you’re using does supply a custom liquid block, instead of installing the first add to cart snippet option in your theme.liquid, I would suggest installing it in a custom liquid block as mentioned in the Where should I paste my snippet? section of the How to create an "Added to Cart" event for Shopify Help Center article.
When it comes to using both the second and third add to cart snippet options, keep in mind you’ll need to adjust those snippets to align with your add to cart button’s ID or class notions respectively for them to function correctly. The first option on the other hand would not need any adjustments.
I would also call out that a common misunderstanding users have is that they’re under the assumption that simply installing those snippets will automatically trigger an add to cart event/metric to appear in their Klaviyo account. As it’s mentioned in the Before you begin section, the add to cart event will only track and trigger for users who are previously cookied. This means that to verify if you’ve installed the snippet correctly, you’ll want to cookie your browser and attempt to manually trigger the event. Only if you’ve successfully installed the code and testing it will you see the event/metric appear in your account.
You can test your add to cart tracking by taking the steps mentioned in our Troubleshooting Added to Cart tracking article:
To test that your Added to Cart tracking is set up properly, follow these steps:
- Navigate to your website
- On your homepage, add the following to the end of the URL, replacing example@gmail.com with your email address:
- Reload the page
- Navigate to a product page on your site with a product that is in stock
- Click the “Add to Cart” button on the page
- Search in Klaviyo for the email address you used in step 2
You should see that a Klaviyo profile has been created for you (if one didn't exist already) and that an Added to Cart event has been tracked on your activity feed.
To see a feed of all Added to Cart metrics over time:
- Navigate to the Analytics tab of your account
- Click into Metrics
- Filter by Added to Cart to view tracked data in an activity feed, activity map, charts, best people, and cohort reports
Once you’ve reviewed the troubleshooting scenarios below and made changes, you should test your tracking again to make sure it’s working correctly.
There’s also a number of posts on this topic in our Community that I would encourage you looking into. I’ve included some below that other members have found helpful:
I hope this helps!
Hey David, thank you for the reply. I did do the custom liquid and tested the store by doing exactly what that article said, and still no luck. Really have no idea what I’m doing wrong.
Hey @EmbryOutdoors,
If you’ve tried and tested all three of the codes properly and none of them work, this suggests there may be something more going on that could potentially be preventing this code from firing.
I would recommend working alongside a developer to review your site code and to provide more hands on assistance to installing the add to cart code. We also offer a wonderful Klaviyo Partner program that excels at development and site code assistance which you can collaborate with from our Klaviyo Partner Directory.