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How can a list be made from contacts already in Klaviyo?

  • 20 November 2023
  • 3 replies

Hello. I have over 5000 contacts already in my Klaviyo account. I am not able to make a list of them so I can email to them. Does anyone know how to email to contact already uploaded to Klaviyo?


Hi @4peaksdesign,

If you already have contacts in your account, you should be able to export the contacts, then import them again into the list you want to use. When you are inside a segment or list, there is a button in the top right corner that says Manage Segment. If you click the arrow, the first option in the drop down is Export Segment/List to CSV. Once you have all the contacts exported, you can then import them to a list. First create the list by clicking on the button that says Create List/Segment, found in the top right corner when you are in the List & Segment section of your account. After creating the list, you will have the option to import contacts. Hope this helps!

Hi Jess,

Thanks for the quick reply. I ended up creating a Segment. It just seems insane to export contacts to just import them again. It is a bizarre way to make a list. Now that I am understanding the difference between lists and segments, I think it works better to make a segment of my contacts list.. which is being added to regularly. You have to add to lists, but don’t have to add to segments when new contacts are added to Klaviyo from the website. 

Thanks again,


I agree, it seems a little backward to have to export and then re-import! I did forget to mention yesterday that you can create a list from a segment, if you would ever need to. But then, as you mentioned above, the list would be static, and you would have to import new contacts if you wanted them in that list. I have had cases where I didn’t want contacts added to a specific list, so creating the list from a segment was helpful, but it seems like using a segment would work best for you right now. Have a great day!
