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Segment for active Woocommerce subscribers?

  • 20 May 2024
  • 7 replies

I’m using the plugin “Klaviyo Toolkit Plugin” to pull in Woocommerce Subscriptions data … 

How do i target ACTIVE Woocommerce Subscription holders only? 

What someone has done,
WC subscription created at least once over all time


we don’t really have any “Plans” we have products and they can subscribe to several products at once … I’m not seeing any obvious ways to do this? 

Thanks for any guidance you can give me


7 replies

Userlevel 5
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HI @JustinL! I’m not super familiar with this particular integration, but can you show me what your options are in the dropdown on the condition filter? (The “where” field under “has”). This filter is used to add additional context to your condition. In this case, that would be only active subscriptions. 



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Thank you Kaila, but Klaviyo has confirmed that there is no way to do what I am asking without further customization. 

To target only active WooCommerce Subscription holders using the Klaviyo Toolkit Plugin, you need to set up a specific segment based on subscription status. Here's how to do it:

  1. Create a New Segment in Klaviyo:

    • Go to your Klaviyo dashboard.
    • Navigate to "Lists & Segments."
    • Click "Create List / Segment" and choose "Segment."
  2. Define Segment Criteria:

    • Set up the segment conditions to target users based on their WooCommerce subscription status.
    • Use the condition: "What someone has done" > "WC subscription status" > "is" > "Active".
    • This ensures that only customers with active subscriptions are included in the segment.
  3. Save the Segment:

    • Name your segment (e.g., "Active Subscription Holders").
    • Save the segment.

By following these steps, you will have a segment in Klaviyo that only includes customers with active WooCommerce subscriptions. This allows you to target and communicate specifically with active subscribers.





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faiqarani - thank you

however, i do not have WC subscription status available to me, the conditions i have are: 

WC Subscription Created
WC Subscription Created Value

WC Subscription Renewal
WC Subscription Status Change

and i’m not quite sure how to get active from any of those, none of them has anything remotely related to active subscribers. am i missing something?

Userlevel 5
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@faiqarani  Where did you get that information? As far as I’m aware that is not a property that exists in that plugin. 

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Kaila, i believe that person is probably a bot, trying to get traffic to that link

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Hi @JustinL , creator of the Klaviyo Toolkit plugin here….

The plugin uses custom profile properties to set the subscription status of users.  You can create segments based off this custom profile property. 

The properties look like:

Where XXX = the ID of your subscription product.

The value would be active, cancelled, pending-cancel, etc. depending on the subscription status.
