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Header Link Issue: New Template Editor

  • 27 October 2021
  • 9 replies

Hi all, I’m exploring the new template editor and am really enjoying it, except for the fact that I can’t figure out how to center my header links in mobile. I’ve tried the manual Link/Button spacing option and that didn’t solve it, also tried adjusting the padding. Every test email I send displays with the logo and links justified left instead of centered despite any changes I make.

Anyone else running in to this/has found a fix?


Hey @WWVintners 

Thank you so much for reaching out to the Klaviyo Community for help with our new email template editor that was just launched. I am asking our expert on the new template editor for your answer and will reply to the thread shortly with a solution to center your header. Thank you for your patience as this is new to me as well!

I came here looking for an answer to this very issue, so you’re not alone.

Hey @WWVintners and @AntS 

I have a follow up question for you, is the screenshot you included in your original post the view in the template editor or is it the preview image? When I try to recreate this problem in my own test account, the template shows the links aligned to the left, like your screenshot but when i preview it the links and header are centered. Is this the same for you or are they both aligned to the left? As I am having a hard time replicating this, it may be a bug and just want to verify before i report it to our engineers.

@stephen.trumble I get it in previews and test emails. I’ve actually gone back to the old editor, the new one is simply not ready, so many bugs and irritations.

@stephen.trumble The screenshot is the preview image, but they remain left justified in the preview, template, and test emails.

@AntS and @WWVintners 

Thank you for the feedback! I will roll this up to our engineers as a bug. Once we have news on this I will update this thread. I am very sorry for the frustration you may be feeling, but please know that everyone at Klaviyo is working very hard everyday to make your job easier and more enjoyable. As soon as I have an update I will let you know!

I’m having the exact same problem.  I’ve temporarily hidden the header from Mobile and created a new mobile only one that doesn’t have any menu options (just the logo). That seems to have resolved it and kept it centered. 

I’m having some issues with the links on the header.

I created it in welcome email 1, saved the header section as a saved block (the menu links are perfectly centered using “auto”).

When I drag the saved block into welcome email 2 the menu links are completely off center. I have tried everything they won’t center



Hey @mg3326 

Im sorry the saved block isn't showing the way you expected it! Have you sent yourself a preview email to make sure its not the template editor making it look ascue? 
