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I want to build a dashboard that reports on data for multiple flows. I built a dashboard that reports on ALL flows, but I want one that provides info only on a handful of specific flows. 

I see where you can use Group values and select “flow” but I don’t see a way to select specific flows. I also see the Filter values enables me to select “flow equal” but I can only enter one flow name, not multiple. 


Hi @Brenda,


Unfortunately, we are unable to create cards in the dashboard analytics that compares hand picked flows. You can customize your custom ‘Flows Overview’ view with building a card for each of your flows and compare that way.


Another option is to start tagging your flows. By doing this, you can leverage Klaviyo’s custom analytics to compare flows based on their tags.


I hope this helps!


Thanks. I’m not trying to compare flows in a single dashboard, though. I want to know if I can report on multiple flows in a single dashboard. So I want the data for those selected flows combined in one dashboard.

For example, we were instructed by Klaviyo to build each email in our cart abandon series as a separate flow. Ideally I would like a way to see the combined metrics for the 3 emails in our cart abandon email series to prospects -- without having to manually combine them. Is this possible? 

Unfortunately, I couldn’t tell by reading those articles again today if combining this data is possible.

Hi @Brenda,


Unfortunately you’re not able to compare specific flows within that dashboard. You’re able to limit the card to one flow, or flows overall. It may be valuable for you to run a Custom Report on Flow Performance. This gives you a well rounded view of your flows and you’re able to apply filters. You could tag the flows you want to keep an eye on and then filter the report by that tag.

While this report would look a bit different than the analytics dashboard, I believe you’d get the data you are looking for




Understood that I can’t set up a dashboard to do comparisons. But that’s not what I want to do. I’d like to be able to set up a dashboard that combines data from multiple selected flows into one place. 

Based on the responses I’m receiving and the fact you’ve both directed me to the article on setting up custom reports, I guess there isn’t a way to set up a dashboard that combines data from selected flows?:disappointed_relieved:

I understand what you’re saying about setting up custom reports and filtering based on tags. I set up quite a few of those before I even posted my question. The information is there but it’s hard to see the trends since there are no graphs. That’s why I wanted to be able to set up dashboards that combined (not compared) info from selected flows.

Hi @Brenda

Thanks so much for sharing this use-case with the Community and further clarifying what view you’d like for your data. At this current time, there is no option to combine data from multiple selected flows into a consolidated dashboard. You could export the Flows data from a single Flow into a .CSV file and build a report/graphs off the raw data that way (this is as you suggest in your first comment, which is having to manually combine them). 

I'm happy to pass this feedback along to our teams, and include your input on trends/graphs within the custom reports view.

Out of curiosity though, I’m wondering what your use case is for having three separate Abandoned Cart Flows? Do each of these Flows have different Flow triggers (like Started Checkout for one, Added to Cart for another?) Asking because if these are emails that could be a part of one Flow, then we would be able to aggregate the data across each email using a Flows Performance Report via the Group by Flows filter

Thanks so much,


Hi Cass,

Our agency partner built these abandon cart and product abandon and session abandon flows (one flow per email) based on feedback from their contact at Klaviyo. Wasn’t my first choice for this reason but it was the reco from Klaviyo so that’s why we did it that way.

Additionally we have some other flows that are kicked off based on different events (e.g., placed order and fulfilled order). We consider both of these flows as part of our onboarding process for new customers. Even if we didn’t have this issue with our abandon emails, I’d want that functionality for these other flows.

