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I’d like to create a base template through the api that can then be added to campaigns/flows and customized using the drag and drop klaviyo editor. I want to add starting product blocks (static blocks are fine) where I can specify either a feed or just simply ids that correspond to products in the catalog. I have seen how I can create the drag and drop blocks in a base template for text and email but have not figured out a way to do that for some more complicated blocks, particularly product blocks. 

Is there anyway to do this or any way to get this functionality as a feature request? The drag and drop functionality of the klaviyo editor is very helpful and necessary for customers we support so most solutions that specify custom coded templates with variable template tags to accomplish this won’t work out.



Hello @obviyo  Create a  template which can be edited by drag and drop editor is not possible. Only templates where editor_type is SYSTEM_DRAGGABLE can be edited using the Klaviyo editor. 

You cannot create a template with editor_type SYSTEM_DRAGGABLE via API.

However there is a workaround.

  • Create your basic template in Klaviyo with Static product.
  • Note the template ID.
  • Now use the Clone Template API to clone this template whenever you want to create a template

I think the problem that then follows though is that it seems that the api also doesn’t allow editing a template that is of the drag and drop type even if it is assigned to a campaign as a campaign message template which makes any of this untenable for us. What we really need to be able to do is to add or modify a product block in a template in such a way so that the product block is still then editable by a client who is working on a campaign or flow in the klaviyo ux. We simply want to be able to assign the products (either statically or through a feed) using the api without losing the functionality provided by the Shopify editor to style the product blocks. 
