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When I upload pictures that include text the text appears slightly blurry and not sharp. 

my emails are 600px wide 

Any idea how to fix this?



@LaraS which graphics package are you using? What is the resolution? Are you using png or jpeg.

I find that Canva works well.. then compressing the image (containing your text) within editor. Key is to make sure the original image is as sharp as possible ( and if using squoosh then can be a large file to start with )



Thank you for your response. I use Canva. I have tried both as png and jpegs and upload these files directly to Klaviyo at the moment.  I am not familiar with Squoosh. I will look into that thank you

Hey @LaraS 

One of the prevailing standards for improving the crispness of a rendered image in an email is to insert an image 2x the desired size and then reduce the image size in your template. There are two ways to approach this:

  1. Insert a large, crisp version of your image into your template, then click Edit Image and resize to your preferred dimensions
  2. Insert a natively larger image (i.e. 600px wide) and display at a smaller size (i.e. 300px width) using CSS; to take this approach, you'll need to insert your image into a text block and adjust the CSS source code

I would first suggest trying to upload a larger image into the image library, and then cropping it within the template. 

Hope this helps!
