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Recap discussion: [Interactive workshop] Strengthen customer relationships with birthday flows in Klaviyo (for small to medium sized businesses)

Thank you for attending today’s session, gInteractive workshop] Strengthen customer relationships with birthday flows in Klaviyo (for small to medium sized businesses). We hope you feel better prepared to collect your customers' birthdays and build a birthday flow. If you were unable to attend or would like to rewatch the session, we’ve included a recording below.

In this training, we did the following: 

  • Created a signup form collecting customer birthdays
  • Built a birthday property-triggered flow
  • Reviewed best practices for birthday flows
  • Shared some creative birthday messages for inspiration

Here are some additional resources to guide you through the process:

Klaviyo Blog: 

Klaviyo Help Center: 

Klaviyo Academy:

Share your tips, tricks, and any successful birthday message strategies below! 

Happy sending, 


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