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Hey all, I’m Mike! I work on the Product Marketing team at Klaviyo and I’ll be here from time to time giving you awesome updates on the Klaviyo product. Thanks for being a part of the Klaviyo community!

Our first update comes in the world of reporting and analytics. Recently, we released a new Custom Analytics feature. Custom Analytics lets you dig into your performance in seconds, without copy-pasting from various sources. This way you can spend less time collecting data and more time analyzing, strategizing, and growing your business!

Here’s an example of a Multi-Metric Report that can tell you how your cart conversions compare by gender.


You can learn more about the feature on our blog and go run some new reports in your account. Need additional help with reports? Check out our help article for more information on building custom reports.

Just getting this setup with Flow and Campaigns. So far easy to use and informative.

Hey @Mike Greene 

I am LOVING the new custom analytics reports. Is there a way to run reports by segment? I like to keep minimal lists and then use segments to segregate into various ‘groups’ depending on lead magnet as a way to ‘tag’ customers I guess. I just havent found a way to be able to report by segment though.

Any help or work arounds you could provide would be awesome

Many thanks 

@JeffW-AutoRentals that’s great to hear! Would love to hear more about which reports you built first and why you chose those out of the options? I’m also curious if any results have surprised you so far and if you’ve taken any actions as a result?

@TwinsandMore that’s awesome! We’re glad you love it! First, that’s exactly how we teach our customers to use segments and I’m happy to hear it’s helping you group customers together in helpful ways.

Unfortunately, right now, we don’t support running reports based on segments in this new tool but it is something we plan to add in the future. You mentioned ‘tags’ and you can use tags in Klaviyo for campaigns and flows to label them. So, if you were to tag flows and campaigns you could run reports based on a specific tag. 


@Mike Greene Nice! Excited for segment filtering capabilities. What about adding other metrics in the account or customer properties? Being able to group by segments, customer properties, event properties, etc would be huge! Think that would make any report you could ever want. Remember this being mentioned at Boston last year.

@Mike Greene  I am using the new reports to compare campaigns side by side. Seeing what creative and subject lines are working.

Hi @Mitchell Chapman! In the multi-metric report you can do some grouping and filtering by profile property data but that option isn’t available on every type of report. Overall, the team is working on expanding each report so all data is available for filtering and grouping. We don’t yet have an order of what will be available when but definitely understand the ask as a way to make your reports extra powerful. What’s the first report you would build when this gets added?

@Mike Greene Good question. My list is building but these are what I have so far:

  • Products purchased based on Shopify tags (we have a buyers guide that adds preferences like what games or genres customers play, consoles, etc.)
  • Filter shopify event reports by event properties
  • Open rate and click rate by country for campaigns and flows
  • Performance by send time, date, timezones, etc
  • Recency broken down by LTV
  • Email and SMS engagement by LTV

Also, just thought of another property to filter by. Add LTV and predictive analytics. Some of the others things I have thought about don’t really have a field to filter by. Like Last Order Date. Another report I try to pull sometimes is who bought X product first and then bought product Y second. 

@Mike Greene Emails collected by page


@Mitchell Chapman clarifying questions - getting a report of how many email addresses you’ve collected by web page/web address? This is purposefully different than understanding how many emails collected by specific signup form for pages that you’re targeting different audiences with different forms?

@Mike Greene Yes. We have this setup with Google Analytics to fire event or goal for email collection. But would be nice to have in built-in reports. So we can see how many emails certain blogs collect, or maybe from certain campaigns.
