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Hi Community! 


I’ve recently taken on a few new clients and have been focused on growing their lists with limited starting resources, so I just wanted to share some of my tried and true tactics to help boost that growth spurt! Let’s dive in. 


Opt-in Opportunities


First and foremost, I always tell customers to start at the bottom of the sales funnel and work their way up. This holds true for ads, websites, and even email. For email, I would encourage new clients to make sure they are giving customers every opportunity to opt in. This includes opt-ins during checkout, back-in-stock notifications, and SMS.


In my experience, I personally think collecting SMS opt-in right away is a good thing, even if you're not planning on using SMS in the immediate future. SMS requires some more legal hoops to jump through so it takes a little longer to collect those opt-ins, which means if you want to see growth, you’ve got to get started now!


Keep Them Hooked


Besides Opt-in opportunities, you should utilize enticing popup forms and teasersI I always ensure clients have an effective and aesthetic popup offer (with a form teaser so the offer stays in front of the user). Additionally, creating a discount offer in your welcome series encourages conversions and drives revenue. We typically see signup rates that are within 3-5% with a popup using these tactics. 


While these are all rather passive methods of gaining customers, there are more active options to try as well! Some more options for list-growth are doing contests with good partners, lead generation forms on Facebook, and fun engagements like quizzes or product finders. 


Test, Test, and Retest


Testing is an incredible tool to wield to help grow your list. It can help solve many issues that might be preventing your list growth such as low open rates. Klaviyo has a great benchmarking report to help identify potential issues and let you know how you’re performing compared to others in your industry. For example, if Click Rates are far below industry standard or your cohort, then testing email designs is a great start. If open rates are low, test subject lines and deliverability times. A/B testing incentives are also a great use of Klaviyo functionality to see what works without giving away the farm.


This applies to popups too. A common mistake I see with clients is not using the teaser functionality with popups and also not testing out popup triggers. Some brands will have a popup appear immediately upon visiting a site, then they won't show a popup for 90-days after. If a customer is visiting the site for the first time, they likely won't sign up for the newsletter right away (they haven't even had time to shop your site!) and then they don't see the offer for another 90-days. This is a big miss. 


Final Thoughts


Your list is your lifeline. A/B testing, statistical tracking, popup forms, and optimized flows are great ways to start identifying issues, growing your list, and retaining the interest of your target audience. While you obviously need to spend time nurturing and growing it, your own time is valuable as well. Utilizing Klaviyo’s tools will help you get the most return out of your efforts to grow your list from nothing and build your business.

-@Akers Digital (Tim Akers)


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This applies to popups too. A common mistake I see with clients is not using the teaser functionality with popups and also not testing out popup triggers. Some brands will have a popup appear immediately upon visiting a site, then they won't show a popup for 90-days after. If a customer is visiting the site for the first time, they likely won't sign up for the newsletter right away (they haven't even had time to shop your site!) and then they don't see the offer for another 90-days. This is a big miss. 



Love this, great tips @Akers Digital, especially these common mistakes you mentioned. 


I’ll add a couple of other points of a common mistakes I’ve seen..

  • optimizing for mobile!
  • match that first opt-in email to the message (ie. if you offered 10% off to sign up, give the visitor that offer in that first email, if not right away)

Final Thoughts


Your list is your lifeline. A/B testing, statistical tracking, popup forms, and optimized flows are great ways to start identifying issues, growing your list, and retaining the interest of your target audience. While you obviously need to spend time nurturing and growing it, your own time is valuable as well. Utilizing Klaviyo’s tools will help you get the most return out of your efforts to grow your list from nothing and build your business.

Amazing, You have to conclude this topic in a very positive way and discuss a detailed issue which mostly happens when we organically grow our list. This source will be very beneficial for us.

I must appreciate you for this act.

Final Thoughts


Your list is your lifeline. A/B testing, statistical tracking, popup forms, and optimized flows are great ways to start identifying issues, growing your list, and retaining the interest of your target audience. While you obviously need to spend time nurturing and growing it, your own time is valuable as well. Utilizing Klaviyo’s tools will help you get the most return out of your efforts to grow your list from nothing and build your business.

Amazing, You have to conclude this topic in a very positive way and discuss a detailed issue which mostly happens when we organically grow our list. This bailiffs london will be very beneficial for us.

I must appreciate you for this act.


The link that says, 

says “page not found”. Is there a new link for this or section in the help center I can find this info? I’m trying to do sms for the first time.

Hi @Hkeen312


Thanks for the callout! This resource link will send you to the documentation I linked in our earlier conversation on how to set up SMS. 


Can’t wait to see all that you do with SMS! 

